Conquer the Lane Cove Fun Run 2023 with Lane Cove Physio

Silhouette of a woman runner against a sunset

Conquer the Lane Cove Fun Run 2023 with Lane Cove Physio

Hello, fellow runners and fitness enthusiasts!

As your trusted local Lane Cove physiotherapy clinic, we’re not just here to treat aches and pains.

Our Staff are here to help you live your best, most active life, and what better way to do that than participating in a community event like a Fun Run?

With City to Surf done, the Lane Cove Fun Run 2023 coming up and Sydney Marathon approaching fast, let’s check that you’re preparing yourself safely and effectively to get the most out of your race and to avoid injury.

The Lane Cove Fun Run, set to take place on the 10th of September 2023, is more than just a race. It’s a celebration of fitness, community spirit, and the sheer joy of running. With options for a 2km or 5km run, it’s an event that caters to all fitness levels.

But, as we all know, participating in a fun run isn’t just about showing up on the day of the event.

It’s about the journey of preparation that leads up to it.

Understanding the physical demands of a fun run, whether it’s a 2km or a 5km, is crucial in setting realistic goals and preparing effectively.

Firstly, let’s dispel a common myth: just because it’s called a ‘fun run’ doesn’t mean it’s easy.

Sure, the atmosphere is festive and the focus is on participation rather than competition, but make no mistake – running 2km or 5km is a physical challenge that requires preparation.

The 2km Run

A 2km run might not seem like a big deal, especially if you’re used to longer distances. However, it’s important not to underestimate it. This distance is perfect for beginners or those returning to running after a break or injury. It’s a manageable distance that still provides a good workout, especially if you’re aiming to run it at a faster pace.

The main physical demands of a 2km run are aerobic fitness and leg strength. You’ll need a good level of cardiovascular fitness to maintain a steady pace throughout the run, and strong leg muscles to power you forward and absorb the impact of each stride.

The 5km Run

Stepping up to a 5km run presents a greater challenge. This distance requires a higher level of endurance, as you’ll be running for a longer period of time. It’s not just about speed – it’s about maintaining a steady pace and conserving your energy to last the distance.

In addition to aerobic fitness and leg strength, a 5km run also demands good core strength for maintaining proper running form, and mental stamina to keep pushing when fatigue sets in.

Understanding Your Physical Capabilities

One of the most important aspects of preparing for a fun run is understanding your own physical capabilities. It’s great to challenge yourself, but it’s also important to be realistic about what you can achieve. Pushing yourself too hard can lead to injuries and burnout, which is the last thing you want when you’re trying to enjoy a fun run.

Take into account factors like your current fitness level, any previous or existing injuries, and how much time you have to train. If you’re new to running or returning after a break, the 2km run might be a good starting point. If you’re already a regular runner, you might be ready to tackle the 5km.

Remember, there’s no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to running. What works for one person might not work for another. That’s why it’s important to listen to your body and adjust your training plan accordingly. And of course, a physiotherapist can provide valuable guidance in understanding your physical capabilities and creating a training plan that suits you.

Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in preparing for any physical activity, and running is no exception.

You might be wondering, “What does physiotherapy have to do with running a fun run?”

Well, quite a lot, actually!

It’s not just about treating injuries or managing pain – although those are important aspects. Physiotherapy is about optimising your body’s function and performance, and helping you achieve your personal best.

Think of your body as a well-oiled machine. Just like a machine, it needs regular maintenance to perform at its best.

Physiotherapy can help improve your performance in several ways.

It can help increase your flexibility, improve your running technique, and strengthen your muscles to withstand the impact of running. It can also help address any imbalances in your body that could affect your running efficiency.

One of the key ways physiotherapy can help is injury prevention.

Running, while a fantastic form of exercise, does put strain on the body, and injuries can occur. A physiotherapist can identify potential risk factors for injuries, such as muscle imbalances or poor running technique, and provide strategies to address these.

Creating a Physiotherapy Plan for a Fun Run

Creating a physiotherapy plan tailored for the run can significantly enhance your performance and enjoyment of the event.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Assessment: Start with a thorough assessment of your physical condition by a physiotherapist, who can identify any areas of weakness or potential risk factors for injury.
  2. Goal Setting: Define what you want to achieve. This could be completing the run without injury, achieving a certain time, or simply enjoying the event.
  3. Training Plan: Based on your assessment and goals, create a training plan. This should include a mix of running, strength training, flexibility exercises, and rest days.

Here are some actionable tips and exercises beneficial for fun runners:

  • Strength Training: Focus on exercises that strengthen your core and leg muscles, such as squats, lunges, and planks.
  • Flexibility Exercises: Regular stretching can improve your flexibility and reduce the risk of injury. Key areas to focus on include your calves, hamstrings, and hip flexors.
  • Running Technique: Work on your running technique to improve efficiency and reduce strain on your body. This could include tips on foot strike, stride length, and body posture.
  • Rest and Recovery: Don’t underestimate the importance of rest days and recovery. This could include gentle activities like yoga or swimming, and techniques like foam rolling or massage.


An example of a training plan for a 10km fun run:

Let’s take a look at an example of a 10-week training plan for a 10km fun run. This plan is designed to gradually increase your running distance, while also incorporating strength training, cross-training, and rest days to ensure a balanced approach.

The plan starts with running 2km three times a week, complemented by gym sessions for strength training. Strength training is crucial for runners, as it helps build the muscle power needed to propel you forward and absorb the impact of each stride.

As the weeks progress, the running distance gradually increases. By Week 3, you’re running 4km at the start of the week and 3km at the end. By Week 5, you’re up to 6km, and by Week 7, you’re running 8km. This gradual increase helps your body adapt to the longer distances, reducing the risk of injury and burnout.

But running isn’t the only focus of this plan. Each week also includes a rest day and a day for cross-training. Cross-training, such as swimming or cycling, helps improve your overall fitness and endurance, while also giving your running muscles a chance to recover.

And let’s not forget the importance of rest. Rest days are crucial for recovery and muscle repair, and they also help prevent overtraining, which can lead to injuries and burnout.

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 Run 2km Gym Run 2km Gym Run 2km Rest day Swim
2 Run 2km Gym Run 2km Gym Run 2km Rest day Cycle
3 Run 4km Gym Run 2km Gym Run 3km Rest day Swim
4 Run 4km Gym Run 2km Gym Run 3km Rest day Cycle
5 Run 6km Gym Run 3km Gym Run 4km Rest day Swim
6 Run 6km Gym Run 3km Gym Run 4km Rest day Cycle
7 Run 8km Gym Run 4km Gym Run 6km Rest day Swim
8 Run 8km Gym Run 4km Gym Run 6km Rest day Cycle
9 Run 10km Gym Run 4km Gym Run 6km Rest day Swim
10 Run 6km Gym Run 4km Gym Run 4km Swim RACE DAY!


This training plan is just an example, and it can be adjusted based on your current fitness level, goals, and any other individual factors. At Lane Cove Physio, we can work with you to create a personalised training plan that suits your needs and helps you prepare for the fun run in the best possible way.

Practical Tips for the Day of the Run

The big day is here! You’ve trained, you’ve prepared, and now it’s time to put all that hard work into action. Here are some practical tips to help you make the most of the Lane Cove Fun Run.

The day before and day of:

  • Location – know the route and familiarise yourself with the relevant maps, including first aid, toilet and water stations. Know exactly how you will get there and back.
  • Clothing and gear – lay out your clothes and gear the night before to save yourself from stressing on the morning of.
  • Sleep – have a good night’s rest the night before. At least 8 hours. Best to avoid alcohol the night before as this can dehydrate your muscles.
  • Eat breakfast 2 hours before – something that is high in carbohydrates, for example; wholegrain toast or porridge. Eat something you are familiar with so to avoid tummy upset during your race.
  • Enjoy yourself – have fun while you run. There’s no doubt that the atmosphere and all your fellow runners around you will help motivate you to get to the end.

Warming Up and Cooling Down

Never underestimate the power of a good warm-up and cool-down. These are essential parts of your run and can significantly impact your performance and recovery.

Start with a warm-up to prepare your body for the run. This could include light cardio, such as jogging or skipping, followed by dynamic stretches that mimic the movements you’ll be doing during the run. Think leg swings, arm circles, and lunges. This will help increase your heart rate, warm up your muscles, and improve your flexibility, reducing the risk of injury.

After the run, it’s time to cool down. This helps bring your heart rate back down to normal and start the recovery process. A good cool-down could include a slow jog or walk, followed by static stretches to help relax your muscles. Focus on the areas that have worked the hardest – your legs, hips, and lower back.

Post-Run Recovery and Physiotherapy

Once you’ve crossed the finish line, the recovery process begins.

This is an essential part of your running journey and can significantly impact your overall experience of the event.

Start with some gentle stretching and mobility exercises to help relax your muscles and improve flexibility. Then, consider some light massage or foam rolling to help relieve muscle tension and promote recovery.

Hydration and nutrition are also key in recovery. Rehydrate with water or a sports drink, and refuel with a balanced meal. This should include protein for muscle repair, carbohydrates to replenish energy stores, and plenty of fruits and vegetables for their vitamins and minerals.

Physiotherapy can play a crucial role in your post-run recovery. A physiotherapist can provide targeted exercises and treatments to aid recovery, address any minor injuries or aches, and ensure you’re ready to get back to your regular routine as soon as possible.

If you’re keen to learn more about how to run injury-free, check out our blog post on injury-free running tips. It’s packed with practical advice that can help you prepare for the Lane Cove Fun Run, and any other running event you might have your sights set on.

In the end, the most important thing is to enjoy the process. The Lane Cove Fun Run is about having fun, staying active, and being part of the community. So, choose the distance that suits you, prepare well, and most importantly, have fun!

To schedule an appointment with us, visit our website, book directly online or give us a call on (02) 9428 5772.

We’re looking forward to being a part of your running journey!