The Latest on Tendinopathy
What Is A Tendinopathy?
First off … what is a tendon? Tendons are tough elastic fibres that connect muscle to bone that help to transmit forces from our muscles to our joints.
A tendinopathy typically describes two conditions; tendon swelling and degeneration. Swelling occurs in the earlier stages of this condition and was typically termed tendinitis (meaning inflammation of the tendon).
If the aggravating activity is continued and the condition is allowed to progress, degeneration of the tendon will occur. Degeneration involves tiny microtears in the tendon, and disarray of collagen fibres, nerves and blood vessels within the tendon.
How Does A Tendinopathy Occur?
A Tendinopathy typically occurs over time and is an overuse related injury. Overuse typically occurs due to a change in load (increase in training load/intensity, poor technique/biomechanics, change of shoes/equipment) or due to compressive/poor postures such as lying on your side, crossing legs and sitting in deep chairs.
How Do I Know If I Have A Tendinopathy?
The main symptoms of Tendinopathy are pain, stiffness, loss of strength in the affected area and swelling in the early stages.
Pain is usually localized to the entire tendon or a focal point of the tendon. If pain spreads beyond the area of the tendon it is less likely to be a Tendinopathy.
Symptoms are usually brought on by impact-based activities such as jumping and running and/or loading activities such as stair climbing and squatting.
You may also experience morning stiffness and crunchy noises over the tendon.
How Do We Treat YOUR Tendinopathy?
At Lane Cove Physio we pride ourselves on being up to date on the latest research and technology related to treating your Tendinopathy. We treat YOU as an INDIVIDUAL and thus tailor your management as such.
1) We perform a thorough assessment to ensure that you have a Tendinopathy and if so determine what stage it is at
2) We assess your biomechanics/kinetic chain to identify any factors that may be contributing to your condition
3) A specific tendon loading (strengthening) program will be tailored to you based on the above findings
4) Pain reliving techniques such as manual therapy, soft tissue work, dry needling, taping and bracing may be used
5) At Lane Cove Physio we also use Shockwave Therapy which has been found to be especially effective for patella Tendinopathy, Achilles tendinopathy and plantar fasciitis
Tate Seckold